Patient Info

Advance Directives

In an ambulatory care setting, where we expect to provide less invasive care to patients who are not acutely ill, admission to the center indicates the patient will tolerate the procedure in the ambulatory setting without difficulty. If a patient should suffer cardiac or respiratory arrest or any life threatening condition, the patient will be transferred to a more acute level of care, that is, the hospital emergency room.

All patients are ask if they have an advance directive and this is documented in the medical record. Information regarding advance directives is available for any patient requesting additional information. It is the policy of the Center to transfer any patient requiring resuscitation to the hospital. The hospital can determine when to implement the advance directive/living will once the patient or others notify them of the advance directive/living will.

Patients who disagree with this policy must address the issue with the attending physician prior to signing the form acknowledging an understanding of the policy regarding advance directives/living wills.

Pre-Admission Assessment