Care Bundles, Definitions, and Prices
State of Florida AVG. Atlantic Surgery Center, AVG.
Low High LowHigh
Biopsy - Bladder $3,799$7,461 $1,995 $2,594
Biopsy - Colon$1,154$3,756$575$748
Biopsy - Kidney$4,197$7,231$1,050$1,365
Biopsy - Prostate$831$1,285$778$1,011
Bladder Exam - Cystoscopy$1,021$1,117$575$748
Cataract Removal with Lens Implant$2,088$4,128$1,894$2,462
Colonoscopy - Preventive Screening$1,049$3,236$575$748
Colonospy with Polyp Removal$1,193$3,632$575$748
&Enlarged Prostate Surgery - TURP$1,971$3,301$1,975$2,568
Glaucoma - Eye ShuntN/AN/A$1,975$2,568
Kidney Stone$139$238$575$748
Kidney Stone Disintegration - Lithotripsy$7,576$12,718$3,995$5,194
Upper Endoscopy with Biopsy$1,068$4,198$530$689
Upper Endoscopy with Dilation$1,290$4,191$825$1,073
Vasectomy- Male Sterilization$565$792$575$748
Updated: 3/18/2021
Our prices are estimates based on an average and may not be your actual cost. Your costs may be higher or lower for a number of reasons, including insurance deductibles, how sick you are, or other factors.